Tongues And Bellies
A collection of short-form stories from The Whole Kahani, a collective of British novelists, poets and screenwriters of South Asian origin.
Sensual and surprising stories that play a tantalising game of hide-and-seek with lies and truth. Chameleon-like characters slip in and out of shadows as they construct elaborate ruses and clutch at worlds that remain just out of reach. Their appetite for life is bitter and sweet but never predictable. An old recipe, an outing, a robot, a key – clues to people they once were or hope to be.
The mood is mischievous and ingenious as characters invent and seek half-hidden truths and half-forgotten memories. From these pages floats a mouth-watering aroma of cherished childhood meals, meals eaten by lovers and meals flavoured with nostalgia and loss.
Author: The Whole Kahani.
Format: paperback.
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