As part of a series of interviews with our artists and makers, we ask Cherelle Brown, founder of the hugely successful KitsCH Noir card company, 10 quick-fire questions about Valentine's Day.
1 The first Valentine you received
A giant card - literally the size of half my body - from my best friend at school when we were about 13 LOL.
2. Best Valentine's Day ever
A surprise dinner date organised by my 3 besties, with balloons, roses and chocolates at each seat.
3. Worst Valentine's Day ever (if not too traumatic)
Luckily, I've never had a bad one!
4. Red or pink? (We think we know the answer to that one!)
5. Roses or chocolates?
Roses! I love receiving flowers.
6. A Valentine's DO
DO always celebrate LOVE on this day. Any excuse to celebrate love is a good one.
7. A Valentine's DON'T
DON'T always feel like you need to do something romantic: it is a made-up day after all!
8. Favourite Valentine's card or gift idea (own range)
Definitely my
Loc and Key card. It took ages to draw but I was so happy with the end result.
9. Favourite Valentine's card or gift idea (someone else's range)
10. What do you plan to do for Valentine's Day this year?This year I will be curling up on the sofa with a bottle of moscato, some popcorn and a chick-flick!
You can buy KitsCH Noir's brilliant Valentine's cards on our website here (we can even write your message for you!) Plus, we've put together a Spotify playlist of our team's favourite romantic tunes. Click here to enjoy.
Wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day!
How will you be spending Valentine's Day this year? Feel free to tell us in the comments below.